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RIFE Explained

Rife Frequency treatment is at its best a controversial subject within the medical community as it does not make them any money.  It is recognised today as an experimental treatment but has an immense world wide following and many thousands for users.  So this must mean something.

I myself have been using and learing all about Rife treatments over the last year or so and have realised that there is a lot of truth in the benefits of the techology.

Here are some videos I have done for you explaining how it all works and some of the things it can do.


I will add that the treatments are completly safe and there is no down time at all.

also you get no side effects or negative symptoms.

What does my Rife equipment do and why don’t you hear about it?.

Frequency Vs Opera singer-Part 3

Frequency imprinting -Part 4

Human frequency- part 1

What can The R I treatment room offer you

Quantum entanglment explained by my glamorous assistant-lol

My Equipment for frequency health-part 2

Why don't you know about Rife treatment

The Remote with Quantum entanglment 
a more indepth explenation-Part 5

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